
Scientific Exploration

This science elective has been designed to prepare you for VCE Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Psychology.

During the first term of each semester you will explore one of the four main themes below and the scientific method that underpins all sciences, as well as pathways and careers through guest speakers and excursions. In the second term you will use the knowledge and skills you have gained during term one to explore and investigate your own topic independently.

The key themes each semester are:

Forces, Motion & Electricity – Semester 1 - 2016

  • Understanding how combustion of materials is utilized to produce energy and the benefits and disadvantages of specific use cases.
  • The difference between specific circuits and their use cases.
  • Calculation of an object's speed and acceleration.

Pre-VCE Biology – Semester 2 - 2016

  • A fundaemental understanding of the makeup of living creatures including molecules, cells and DNA.
  • A dissection experiment to compare and contrast the tissues found in animals.

NB: To study Chemistry, Physics or Biology units 1-4 VCE, students must select Scientific Exploration as an elective in Year 9 and/or Year 10. They must complete a minimum of one full year of Scientific Exploration within that 2 year period.

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